History and Organization

The Institute was founded as "Institute of Economics (FGN-HSG)" in 1952 by professors Walter Adolf Jöhr, Theo Keller and Emil Küng. It was the first of more economics institutes to follow.

A key task is provided by article 1 in the bylaws agreed on when the institute was founded:

'The institute fosters and supports basic research in the field of economics and looks for synergies and a synthesis with other social sciences.'

The activities of the founding directors give proof of a broad understanding of basic research. For them it was not theorizing and debating in the ivory tower, but scientific work that ignites policies, the economy and teaching, and also receives impulses from these areas.

As part of the new University Act the institute was as of January 2025 renamed in: “Institute for Economic Research and Policy (ERP-HSG)”

The Institute for Economic Research and Policy is managed by several directors. The Directorate is responsible for the Institute's strategy, organizational structure and work programme in accordance with the tasks set out in the Institute's statutes.

Actual members of the Board of Directors: 

Professor Dr. Stefan Bühler

Professor Dr. Guido Cozzi

Professor Dr. Paolo Piacquadio  (Managing Director)

Professor Dr. Samuel Häfner (Dep.)

Professor Dr. Michèle Müller-Itten (Dep.)


Since the Institute was founded in 1952, members of the Board of Directors were, in chronological order:

1952 – 1987

Prof. Dr. Walter Adolf Jöhr, † 1987

1952 – 1968

Prof. Dr. Theo Keller, † 1980

1952 – 1981

Prof. Dr. Emil Küng, † 1992

1956 – 1958

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Krelle, † 2004

1967 – 1992

Prof. Dr. Hans Christoph Binswanger, † 2018

1973 – 1978

Prof. Dr. Silvio Borner, † 2020

1977 – 1991

Prof. Dr. Bernd Schips, retired, ETH Zurich

1979 – 2003

Prof. Dr. Norbert Reetz, retired, University of St. Gallen

1981 – 2004

Prof. Dr. Kurt Dopfer, retired, University of St. Gallen

1981 – 1984

Prof. Dr. Ernst Baltensperger, retired, University of Berne

1987 – 1990

Prof. Dr. Robert Leu, retired, University of Berne

1988 – 1991

Prof. Dr. Franz Jaeger, retired, University of St. Gallen

1992 – 2013

Prof. Dr. Manfred Gärtner, retired, University of St. Gallen

2011 – 2017

Prof. Dr. Martin Kolmar, University of St. Gallen

2011 – 2024 Prof. Dr. Christian Keuschnigg, retired, University of St. Gallen


The ERP-HSG has an advisory board. This serves as an advisory “sounding board” for the institute. The members of the advisory board advise the Directorate on specialist matters and can be consulted on strategic issues. From 1.1.2025, the advisory board of the ERP-HSG will consist of the following personalities: :




Individual sponsors or organizations support the Institute for Economic Research and Policy financially.

Under the presidency of Dr. Klaus Wellershoff, the following companies are members of a group of sponsors in support of our institute: 

acrevis Bank AG, St.Gallen

UBS Switzerland AG, Zurich

Holcim (Schweiz) AG, Zurich

Leica Geosystems AG, Heerbrugg

St. Galler Kantonalbank, St.Gallen

Swiss Life, Zurich 

