Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Allgöwer, Universität Hamburg |
Dr. Melanie Annaheim, Schweizerische Nationalbank, Zürich |
Michael Altorfer, Double Degree, Stockholm School of Economics |
Sebastian Barraza, PhD student, University of St. Gallen |
Prof. Berno Büchel, Universität Fribourg |
Dr. Patrick Baur, HTW Chur |
Pierre Beau, M.A. HSG, Transfer Pricing Consultant, Deloitte AG, Zürich |
Lic. oec. et jur. Alexander Blarer, Anwalt bei bratschi, wiederkehr & buob |
Lic. rer. publ. Berit Böhrk, PricewaterhouseCooper, New York |
Dr. Guido Boller, Schweizerische Nationalbank, Zürich |
Dr. Henri Buchsteiner, Vice President, Investment Banking Division at Morgan Stanley |
Prof. Dr. Monika Bütler, Honorarprofessorin, Universität St.Gallen |
Dr. Dirk Burghardt, Senior Manager Global Transfer Pricing, Infineon Technologies AG, München |
Prof. Dr. Susanne Burri, Assistant Professor at The London School of Economics and Political Sience |
Dr. Christian Busch, Staatssekretariat für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation (SBFI), Bern |
Dr. Bruno Cabernard, Coop Schweiz |
Yaroslav Chechel, tbd. |
Dr. Maximilian Conze, tbd. |
Dr. Thomas Davoine, Assistenzprofessor für Mikroökonomie, EHL, Lausanne |
Dr. Florian Dendorfer, Assistant professor of economics (teaching stream) at the University of Toronto |
Prof. Philipp Denter, PhD, Tenure Track Associate Professor of Economics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid |
Dr. Carsten Detken, Europäische Zentralbank, Frankfurt am Main |
Dr. Martin Dietz, Portfolio manager at Aviva Investors |
Lic. oec. Patrick Dreier, Zürcher Kantonalbank |
Dr. Claudia Emele, Managing Director Avadis Anlagestiftungen |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Frank Epper, Full Professor in Economics at IÉSEG School of Management, Paris |
Dr. Nicolas Eschenbaum, Senior Economist, Swiss Economics |
Dr. Elisabeth Essbaumer, Executive Director, Economics Programmes, SEW-HSG |
Lic. oec. Marco Fischbacher, Credit Suisse, Project Manager Regulatory Implementation |
Prof. Dr. Caroline Flammer, Boston University Questrom School of Business, Assistant Professor of Strategy & Innovation |
Lic. oec. Astrid Frey, Economic Research, Swiss Re, Zürich |
Lic. oec. Markus Gähwiler, Credit Suisse |
Prof. Dr. Michael Gerfin, Universität Bern |
Prof. Dr. Michael Gilroy, Universität Paderborn |
Dr. Björn Griesbach, Schweizerische Nationalbank, Zürich |
Dr. Michael Grünenfelder, Pöyry, Leiter Department Thermische Anlagen & erneuerbare Energien |
Lic. oec. Rebekka Grun, Ph.D., Economist, Worldbank |
Dr. Neha Gupta, SNF Postdoc Research Fellow, Cornell University |
Lic. oec. Ilona Haderer, Schweizerische Nationalbank, Zürich |
Prof. Dr. Philipp Harms, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz |
Dr. Marco Helm, Competition Commission Switzerland |
Dr. Johanna Hertel, Analytics & Insights Manager Emerging Markets, Ascensia Diabetes Care |
Christoph Hirt, PhD Student, University of St. Gallen, M+S |
Lic. oec. Max Hofer, Entrepreneurial Investor / CFO bei Infront AS |
Lic. oec. Karin Hunkeler |
Brian Jabarian, Chicago Booth Business School |
Prof. Dr. Ing. Ivan Jác, Technische Universität Liberec und Mitglied des Parlaments der Tschechischen Republik |
Dr. Jean-Pierre Jetzer, Leiter Schweizerische Nationalbank St. Gallen |
Dr. Florian Jung, Senior Manager, Strategy Group, Deal Advisory, KPMG |
Lic. oec. Claudia Keller Grünenfelder |
Linda Kirschner, M. Sc., Schweizerische Nationalbank, Zürich |
Prof. Dr. Mariko Klasing, Assistant Prof. University of Groningen, Economics and Business |
Dr. René Knecht, Finanzkontrolle Kanton Zürich |
Dr. Roberta Maria Koch, Business Development, Finreon AG |
Philemon Krähenmann, PhD, Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft SECO, Bern |
Prof. Dr. Yvan Lengwiler, Universität Basel |
PD Dr. Jürgen Löwe, Universität St.Gallen |
Matthias Lukosch, Praktikant, Schweizerische Nationalbank, Zürich |
Prof. Matthias Lutz, D.Phil, Leiter Konjunktur Schweiz, Schweizerische Nationalbank |
Isabella Maassen, M.A. HSG, PhD Student at Stockholm University |
Samuel Manser, M.A. HSG, Portfolio Manager Fixed Income at Swisscanto Invest by Zürcher Kantonalbank |
Prof. Dr. Michel André Marechal, Associate Professor of Economics, Universität Zürich |
Johannes Matt, PhD Candidate in Economics, The London School of Economics and Political Science |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Maurer, Assistant Professor of Finance, Washington University St. Louis |
Dr. Giulia Mennillo, Akademie für Politische Bildung, Tutzing |
Dr. Ueli Mettler, Partner bei c-alm |
Prof. Dr. Jürg Minsch, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien |
Dr. Hyacinthe Deliancourt Müller, Senior Consultant, Lademann & Associates GmbH |
Dr. André Palitzsch, Leiter Academy Finanzen und Controlling ZfU |
Lic. oec. Dennis Patzschke, Senior Vice President Finance & Group Controller, Swissport International Ltd |
Prof. Dr. Fabienne Peter, University of Warwick |
Lic. oec. Martin Peter, Chief People Officer & Executive Committee Member, Kistler Group |
Dr. Friederike Pohlenz, Sektionsleiterin Internationale Finanzinstitutionen, Eidgenössisches Finanzdepartement |
Dr. Urs Rellstab, Partner bei kommunikationsplan |
Prof. Dr. Lena Rethel, Professor of International Political Economy, University of Warwick |
Prof. Dr. Hendrik Rommeswinkel, Assistant Professor in Economics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan |
Lic. oec. Adrienne Mülleitner-Schär, Executive Director at Bank Vontobel AG |
Dr. Caroline Schmidt, Schweizerische Nationalbank, Zürich |
Dr. Philip Schuster, Österreichische Nationalbank, Wien |
Thomas Seiler, M.A. HSG, PhD student University of Stockholm |
doc. Ing. Jozefina Simovà, PhD, Technische Universität Liberec (†) |
Prof. Dr. Dana Sisak, Associate Professor, Erasmus Universität Rotterdam |
doc. Ing. Jan Skrbek, PhD, Technische Universität Liberec |
Dr. Nicolas Stoffels, Schweizerische Nationalbank, Zürich |
Cara Stromeyer, M.A. HSG, Schweizerische Nationalbank, Zürich |
Lea Tschan, PhD student University of St. Gallen, Schweizerische Nationalbank, Zürich |
Dr. Matthias Vocke |
Dr. Benita von Lindeiner, Senior consultant at c-alm |
Dr. Niklaus Wallimann, Competition Commission Switzerland |
Dr. Klaus W. Wellershoff, Wellershoff & Partners Ltd., ZWEI Wealth und WPuls AG, Zürich |
Dr. Philipp Zahn, Co-founder of 20squares and the Institute for Categorical Cybernetics. |