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Armenter, Roc; Müller-Itten, Michèle und Stangebye, Zachary R (2024): Geometric Methods for Finite Rational Inattention, Quantitative Economics 15 (1), 115-144.
Casas-Klett, T., Cozzi, G., Diebold, C., & Tonn, A. (2024). The PanelEQx (PEQx2024) Dataset: Measuring Elite Quality Over Time for Academic and Policy Purposes. In T. Casas-Klett & G. Cozzi (Eds.), Elite Quality Report 2024: The Sustainable Value Creation of Nations. Zurich: Seismo.
Cozzi, Guido (2023), Semi-endogenous or fully endogenous growth? A unified theory, Journal of Economic theory, Volume 213.
Häfner, Samuel and Curtis Taylor (2023): Working for References. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 15(3), 33-77.
Häfner, Samuel (2023): Risk Aversion in Share Auctions: Estimating Import Rents from TRQs in Switzerland. Quantitative Economics, 14(2), 419-470.
Christian Keuschnigg, Linda Kirschner, Michael Kogler und Hannah Winterberg (2023), Monetary union, asymmetric recession, and exit, Review of International Economics, Open Access, 21. Juni 2023.
Müller, Marc F.; Bertassello, Leonardo; Wiechman, Adam; Penny, Gopal; Tunitelli, Marta und Müller-Itten, Michèle (2023): Food demand displaced by global refugee migration influences water use in already water stressed countries. Nature Communications 14 (2706).