Theresa Goop

Theresa Goop

Theresa Goop


Research Assistant and Ph.D. Student

Dufourstrasse 40a
Büro 0-317

9000 St. Gallen
Main Focuses

Wage equality

Diversity within organisations

Fields of research

Gender equality in the labor market

Macroeconomic aspects of flexible work

  • Bachelor degree in Economics at University of St. Gallen
  • Master double degree in Economics at University of St. Gallen and Stockholm School of Economics
  • Aiming Higher Women's Leadership Programme
  • Currently: Ph.D. at University of St. Gallen as part of the Graduate Programme in Economics and Finance (GPEF) program
Professional Career

As a member of the CCDI Management Team, Theresa Goop shapes the strategic development of the CCDI and is responsible for optimising internal processes. In her role as a Senior Project Manager, she supports organisations from the private and public sectors on their DE&I journey. Her approach is based on in-depth data analysis, which she translates into clear and actionable measures.

Theresa Goop actively incorporates her scientific background into her projects. As a PhD candidate, she conducts research on labour market issues and gender equality, combining scientific findings with practical solutions.


Project grant from SNF on the topic "Gender-Directed Technical Change: From Theory to Practice"

More details here:
